Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Something New week 8

February 19-25

Kyle is still in the hospital, and when I started this goal of "Something New" every week, my plan was to do new things with him... He's on his way to getting back on track -- 

I had to think and search all the events of the last week to find "something new"...

On Saturday, in Charleston, after lunch with Kyle's cousin, walking down the street, 
A BIRD POOPED ON MY HEAD. That has never happened to me before. John said it is supposed to bring good luck. I sure hope so! Kyle needs it more than I do, so I passed the luck onto him. :)

No pics, sorry. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Something New week 7

My students made me encouraging cards!
I didn't have to call 911.
Week 7 (February 12-18): I RAN A HALF-MARATHON! 13.1 MILES!!! 2:40:53 -- My goal was under 3 hours, but in my head, I was aiming more towards 2:45:00. I DID IT! I signed up for the race before I met Kyle (who skydives, rides his bike for 100 miles, and does triathlons). Little did I know HE would be my "trainer" -- meaning he told me to go to the gym to run and I threw a tantrum because I really didn't want to, especially when he hurt his back and couldn't go with me. 

Sweet Arm Bands! They kept me warm! 

Then it was time....
The month that would end the'yelling'. 
The week he was in the hospital. 
The day he couldn't be there cheering for me every few mile markers. 
The hours I spent running. 
The minute I crossed the finish line. 
He couldn't be there.

He was there in spirit. I was wearing his LIVE STRONG bracelet. 
His sister was giving him updates via her iPhone app. 

I stopped my watch a little short of 13.1... OOPS!

It was a GREAT race! It was GREAT weather! It was a GREAT crowd! 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Something New week 6

Week 6 (February 5-11):

My something new this week isn't fun or exciting, but I wanted to document it so that when I look back on this year, this week will be a reminder of a lot of things...

My boyfriend started complaining about a sore throat on Thursday night... Long story short: fever, vomiting, 4 hrs at Doctors Care, no flu, no strep, more fever, no Super Bowl, ER, spinal tap, not meningitis, no fever, VA clinic, shaking, blue lips, 102* fever, two more days of up and down temps, more shaking, blue lips, ambulance, ER, X ray, "wear this surgical mask" another spinal tap, NOT meningitis, no more mask, talking to three of his sisters for the first time (over the phone in the ER!), admitted to ICU, another mask, sleeping in hospital chair, waiting for his sister to get to the hospital from Maryland, watching him: sweat, not eat, not sleep...

Now just sitting here watching and waiting... An unknown cause for the fever and he is severely dehydrated... I guess I'm not the great nurse I thought I was...

But I have realized a few things...
1. I really care about this man laying in the hospital bed beside me.
2. I need to buy a few more sets of sheets ( I washed a lot of sweaty sheets!).
3. Listen to your body; don't ignore what's it's trying to tell you.
4. I have a really GREAT team at work! They have gotten sub plans ready for me and helped more than I can ever thank them for!!
5. When you're sitting in a hospital room, you think about what's really important.

Even though this has been a difficult week, I know Kyle and I can look back and know we learned something about each other that we may have not learned without this experience.