Week 2 (January 8-14):
I went bowling last night! I haven't done that in years. I am allowing this to be my something new(ish) because sometimes my friends and I get into a rut and do the same things every time we get together. I am proud of myself for doing something fun and something I would normally say... "ehhh.... bowling is dorky." However, I bowled the worst game(s) of my life. Wii Bowling has jaded my outlook on my bowling ability AND I have a cold/ear/sinus something, so I'm blaming that too. My balance was WAYYYY off. I had a great time either way especially since it was COSMIC BOWLING. You know that means black lights and 90s flashback music!
I also wore a pair of "skinny" jeans to work yesterday. Not skinny in style, but skinny in "I can't wear them because they are too tight". I was getting very discouraged about running/going to the gym. Wearing those jeans yesterday was validation that something is working, even if the scale isn't changing. :)
I'm so excited for my something new for next week! Can't wait to tell you all about it!
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