Tuesday, December 15, 2009

GAME Plan for Students

Once I make my students aware of NET-S goals, we will set two goals together with the intent of furthering their GAME plan by adding another goal on their own. The two most basic NET-S standards are:

Digital Citizenship : Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.

Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.

These Goals will remind them of the appropriate behavior while using technology, as well as one main purpose of the Internet in our classroom (research).

They will take Action by answering the three questions provided by Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer (2009): What information do I need to meet my goal? What learning strategy will I use? What resources are needed?

Students will Monitor their goals by "consider"ing these questions: Am I finding the information I need? What patterns are emerging from the information sources? DO I need to modify my action plan? (p. 4). By answering these questions students will begin to see the benefits of goal setting and taking action.

Lastly, students will Evaluate their progress towards becoming a responsible digital citizen and being fluent in researching methods. How was I successful in meeting my goals? What will I do differently in the future? After achieving succes in Digital Citizenship and Research/Information Fluency, students will select ONE additional goal to add to their NET-S standards (Creativity and Innovation, Communication and Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making, OR Technology Operations and Concepts.

This will be an exciting opportunity for students to realize they have technology standards as well. Holding them accountable for content standards is important, but I am glad to see that technology is also crucial to students becoming a 21st century learner and leader!


Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.


  1. I agree with you that adding technology standards to the students workload is very important for them becoming 21st century learners. I feel it is important for teachers to enlighten their students to these standards because they are very different than any of their content standards. Students might even think the standards are more fun and interesting than their content standards. Having students set goals dealing with technology might keep them motivated to learn their content standards too. I only see positives in incorporating technology standards into the classroom.

  2. Jenelle,
    You brgin up a great aspect of developing a Game Plan. I am so concerned about myself and how I must monitor my work as well as the students. However, I must engage student to monitor their own work as well. I also love the fact that you want the students to be aware of the standards as well. In doing so the students will be know why they are doing a certain lesson and the purpose of it.
    Well done!

  3. Jenelle,
    I really like how organized you are and the way in which you prepare lessons for your students and explain to them not only what the lesson is about, but why the lesson is important. With teaching students about GAME plans and NET-S Standards, students will be that much more in tune with using technology. Think about how understanding those two things over the course of this class have helped us. While 5th graders may or may not fully appreciate those things the same way we do, they are in simple enough terms where they will appreciate them none-the-less. Great job as always Jenelle!

  4. Jenelle,

    I like the idea of your students helping to write the goals for the GAME Plan. I have found that when students get to help with things like this they tend to have more buy in. What age students do you work with?

  5. Jenelle,
    Great choice – I like the standards chose! I like the idea of having your students write the classroom goals. This will make them feel more accountable and responsible toward achieving the goals.
